Saturday, July 7, 2007

Let the thinking start

Ok. Hi and welcome to my blog, blogger?, blog diary or what ever its called in the internet world.
I thought this would be a great way of informing y'all on where I am going the people I meet and what I'm doing.

As the title says, I am going to Samoa on Wednesday flying from the Sunshine Coast to Sydney then to Apia on Wednesday. I am in Sa' for approximately 8 weeks. The purpose is to find more sub plot ideas for the next book and of course research the Samoans! I know most of you would say "why dont you visit Mangere?" but I'm not talking about the Samoans in NZ. And heaven knows I drink with enough of them on Ponsonby Rd but it's the real Samoans, past life, daily life and the actual feel ('atmosphere' for those who finished school). I plan to trek through Rain forests and actually live in the bush and be OPEN to what makes them tick - its safe to say that growing up in NZ (almost in a priviledge way) really removes you from the way our fellow country folk live. It's a hard life and it does mean alot of sacrifices are made, kids not going to school because of chores etc.

And even though the next book is set pre 1900's I think it will have a bearing on the feel of the next book.

I have an opporunity to do some good for the student population there also. I will be guest lecturing at NUS National University of Samoa (hang on that should be NUOS) and the upside to that besides perplexing the good students on my random thoughts is that I get to use the Library!

OK enough for a first post. Shall update as often as I can as I understand that they do have good internet connections there. So post away meesage and I will reoply as long as they are not rude of lurid.

Tofa Soifua


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